Man's Head, 2012 |
Instagram @matthewlanyonestate is a way of keeping up with stories, news and images associated with Matthew's work and legacy. You can also find a good brief summary on https://www.artimage.org.uk/artists/l/matthew-lanyon/ - a site run by DACS for artist's and artist's estates to enable fast track licensing for use of images for a variety of purposes.
The film No Holds Barred, The Life and Art of Matthew Lanyon completed late in 2020, had amazing success in 2021, with a wide variety of delighted audiences introduced to his work on screen, many for the first time.
The film won Best Documentary at the New Renaissance Film Festival, Amsterdam. The festival champions "artistically driven films which are genuinely imaginative, emotional and life-affirming".
It was selected and screened – online of course as there were no live events in 2021 – at several other international film festivals: Fine Art Film Festival, California (FAFF); Beyond the Curve Film Festival, Paris; and it came through several judging panels to be featured as an Arts finalist in the Celtic Media Festival, where it was in good company as shown below.
Thank you so much to everyone who has got in touch to respond to the film and/or offered ideas for screenings. All ideas and contacts welcome.
We received an overwhelming response from screenings; here are some reactions left by audience members:
It is rare to watch a film that feels so personal to all those contributing, and yet holds the integrity of Matthew as an artist - Ellie •
So full of delight. To live with joy. Always looking. My inspiration, not at all understood, but better after the film. Thank you -Robin • We watched the film twice through. Sheer joy - Anne • This deserves to be seen widely, I've never seen anything like it- Alistair.
Congratulations Judith and Barbara for one of the best docu-biographic films I've seen - Chris. It was SO GOOD - I was moved to tears. Well done and thank you - Christopher • I loved how Judith and Barbara managed to communicate so much about Matthew the person and artist and the range of his work in such a fascinating way - Reni • I was completely engaged in this lovely film - Gill • You get a raw insight into the passions of Matthew's life, due to the incredible archive he left behind after being taken too young. I was lucky to meet him and to own a little work I fell in love with. I consider it one of my favourite paintings -Artyhound Oh it's a wonderful film - moving, funny, entertaining, absorbing. The vividness of the paintings on screen was amazing. The editing and balance was great. A heart opening hour - Dominic • I congratulate you - the film reflects the colour, texture and moods of Mathew and his practice, and Cornwall as a county, its sea, its rural area and art world. Thank you for the poetry of the man - Melanie •
Your film made me want to see Matthew's work for real - Anon • If you are arranging screenings, it would be nice to do that here on Orkney. The work speaks for itself - Fi
No Holds Barred was also selected for the St Ives September Festival 2021. Matthew was a leading Cornish artist and his annual exhibitions in St Ives, alternately at the New Craftsman Gallery and Porthminster Gallery always took place as part of the Festival while he was alive. His second posthumous exhibition, which features in the film, was at the New Craftsman in September 2018 and this gallery continues to represent his work in Cornwall; our thanks to them for their continuing support.
The film was also shown at Newlyn Filmhouse several times in summer and at the Depot Cinema in Lewes, Sussex.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list to be updated with screening opportunities and progress with the film please write to baileyslane@btinternet.com
The film was made by Barbara Santi and I, making extensive use of Matthew's archive, images from the Peter Lanyon archive, and Barbara's newly filmed material. I would like to thank Barbara and all contributors to the film; interviewees included Rene Gimpel, Rod Walker, Matthew Pullum, Michael Bird, Mercedes Smith, Martin Lanyon, Arthur Lanyon, Andrew Lanyon, Carol Jasilek, Fred Lucas, Trixie Lucas, Simon Gilroy, Bob Quixley, Des Hannigan, Steve Richards, Ross Fitzsimons and myself, Judith Lanyon. Matthew's old friend the musician Keith Hinchliffe kindly allowed us to use his music in the film, as did Chris Wood – huge thanks to them both because their wonderful music is an important ingredient in this film.
I would like to thank others who have helped in practical ways and with advice regarding the legacy/archiving from time to time, especially James Barry, Janet Axten, Ellie Porter and Mark Waugh, and Ross Fitzsimons for help with film promotion. Philip Dodd's time has also been valuable, and many more. I know Matthew would have been honoured to have the attention and support of so many good people.
Further screenings are being planned now that live audiences are beginning to return. |